Voa Learning English News Reading and Listening Online

 Larn how guitar just may be the about popular instrument in the world! Hear most music that features the guitar and learn most its history. Read the story, download the MP3 or mind online.

A Podcast from Voice of America Podcasts in Special English. Larn English every bit you read and mind to the show Making of a Nation: The Heart of the Constitution.

Format: MP3, Text


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Take a look at the Bill of Rights, the starting time ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Download the MP3 or heed online.

A Podcast from Voice of America Podcasts in Special English. Learn English language equally you read and listen to the evidence Making of a Nation: The Heart of the Constitution.

Format: MP3, Text


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 Learn well-nigh Crazy Horse, a legendary Native American in America. Download the MP3 or heed online.

A Podcast from Voice of America Podcasts in Special English. Learn English as you read and listen to the show People in America: Crazy Equus caballus.

Format: MP3


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Larn nigh linguistic communication expressions that Americans employ that include colors. Read the commodity, download the MP3 or listen online.

A Podcast from Voice of America Podcasts in Special English. Learn English as you read and mind to the show Words and Their Expressions: Colorful Expressions.

Format: MP3, Text


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 Americans use many expressions with the word dog. Learn almost their dear for the beast and how they utilize the discussion. Read the article, download the MP3 or listen online.

A Podcast from Voice of America Podcasts in Special English language. Learn English as you read and heed to the show Words and Their Stories: Dog Talk.

Format: MP3, Text


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Acquire about an influential person in America: Anne Lindbergh. Wife of Charles Lindburgh, she was the first adult female in America to get a permit to fly a glider and wrote many pop books about flying and her experiences as a adult female. Read the commodity, download the MP3 or heed online.

A Podcast from Voice of America Podcasts in Special English. Learn English equally you read and heed to the show People in America: Anne Lindbergh.

Format: MP3


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thumbnail image for podcast

A Podcast from VOA Learning English: People in America in Special English. Acquire English as you read and listen to a weekly prove near people in America, including study in the U.S. Stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read i-third slower than regular VOA English.


For classroom activities related to this podcast see Content Spotlight: Earth Carmine Cantankerous Twenty-four hour period

Format: MP3, Website


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A Podcast from Vox of America Podcasts in Special English. Learn English as you read and mind to a weekly bear witness about instruction, including written report in the U.S. Stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read i-third slower than regular VOA English.

Format: MP3, Text


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A Podcast from VOA Learning English: American Mosaic. Larn English every bit you read and listen to a weekly evidence about people in America, including report in the U.S. Stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read one-3rd slower than regular VOA English.

Format: MP3, Website


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Learn nearly One World Education, a not-profit in Washington, D.C. This is a podcast from Voice of America Shows in Special English language. Learn English language equally y'all read and mind to a weekly show near education, including study in the U.South.  Stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read one-third slower than regular VOA English.

Format: MP3


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A Podcast from Voice of America (VOA) Learning English: Explorations in Special English. Learn English equally you read and heed to a weekly evidence about interesting people, places and ideas. Stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read 1-third slower than regular VOA English language. Download free MP3s or heed online.

Format: Website


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A Podcast from Voice of America (VOA) Podcast: Everglades National Park – One of the World's Great Biological Wonders. Learn English language as you read and mind to a weekly show about scientific discipline and applied science. Stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read 1-3rd slower than regular VOA English. Download costless MP3s or heed online.

Format: Website


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A Podcast from Voice of America (VOA) Podcast: The Land of Vermont: Fertile Farmland, Light-green Mountains and Revolutionary History. Learn English as you read and mind to a weekly show virtually the USA. Stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read one-third slower than regular VOA English language. Download free MP3s or listen online.

Format: Website


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A Podcast from Vocalism of America (VOA) Podcast: Words and Their Stories: Downward to Earth. Acquire English language as y'all read and heed to a weekly show most Words and Their Stories. Stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read i-third slower than regular VOA English language. Download gratis MP3s or listen online.

Format: Website


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Mind to Voice of America (VOA) Podcast: American History: A Declaration Seeking Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Learn English as yous read and listen to a weekly show Nearly the USA. Stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read 1-third slower than regular VOA English. Download costless MP3s or listen online.

Format: Website


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A Podcast from VOA Learning English: Instruction Report in Special English language. Acquire English as you read and mind to a weekly show about education, including study in the U.Southward. Stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read one-third slower than regular VOA English.

Format: Text


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A Podcast from VOA Learning English language: News Report in Special English language. Learn English every bit you read and mind to a weekly testify nigh a major story in the news. Our stories are written at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read i-tertiary slower than regular VOA English language. Download free MP3s or listen online.

Format: Website


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Source: https://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/voa-podcasts-shows-special-english

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