Based on Information in This Reading Passage, Which Word Would Best Describe Joseph

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Sometimes it's hard to call back of the perfect English language word to describe a particular emotion. Thankfully, lots of other languages can come to your rescue. If you've been looking for a specific word that describes that foreign thrill after meeting someone new or an intense longing for home, you've come to the correct identify. Learn well-nigh some of the most unusual words around the world used to limited highly specific emotions.

Toska (Russian)

Always feel super depressed? At that place's a word for that in Russian — "toska." Simply "toska" goes way across sadness. It's a yearning that makes you restless for someone or something missing in your life. Being deeply nostalgic or lovesick might require the word "toska."

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Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov shared, "No unmarried word in English renders all the shades of 'toska.' At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of corking spiritual anguish, often without any specific crusade." And if you lot're a bit bored, "toska" tin exist used in coincidental chat to draw that feeling, as well.

Starting a small lovers' quarrel to score some extra amore that speedily leads to making up is referred to in Tamil every bit "oodal." The primary goal of the conflict is to go ane person (usually a man) to repent first before moving on to a happy reconciliation.

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A lovers' quarrel is just described every bit "oodal" if information technology's melodramatic, brusk-lived and footling in nature. "Oodal" is sometimes translated to English equally "sulking," only it'due south actually a part of the courtship routine designed to spice up the relationship. "Oodal" is a romantic theme oft discussed past Tamil writers and poets.

Aspaldiko (Basque)

It's always and so difficult when someone you care most is gone simply so thrilling when yous have the opportunity to see that person again after existence apart. The Basque people living in the Pyrenees mountain region between France and Spain have a give-and-take for that joy: "aspaldiko."

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"Aspaldiko" describes the way y'all feel when you meet upwardly with someone you oasis't seen for a very long fourth dimension. The word's literal translation is "long ago." A number of Basque restaurants are named later this word because it's e'er fun to meet with one-time friends over a nice meal.

Kvell (Yiddish)

If your parents ever gushed with immense pride subsequently y'all'd won first identify in the science fair, were picked as the lead in your school play or graduated from kindergarten, and then they "kvelled." Coming from the German "quellen," information technology means to "gush" or "groovy" with pride.

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"Kvell" is a Yiddish word that's typically used when a parent or grandparent wants to talk about a child or grandchild's accomplishments. Whether the achievement is large or small-scale, loved ones can e'er find something to kvell about. The word, still, can as well have a negative connotation and draw gloating over someone else'south defeat or mistake.

Kilig (Tagalog)

The Tagalog word "kilig" means "to tremble with excitement or nervousness." Just when Filipinos use "kilig," it has an fifty-fifty more specific meaning: that nervous feeling that rolls around when you have an initial romantic attraction to someone.

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While English doesn't take simply one discussion that'south comparable to "kilig," common expressions such as "existence on deject ix" or "having collywobbles in your tummy" accept the aforementioned pregnant. Other definitions include "giddiness" and "tingling." "Kilig" can likewise be felt when reading well-nigh a romance or watching something romantic on television or film.

Pihentagyú (Hungarian)

Do yous know someone who's got all the answers and tin can always come up up with a witty antiphon? The Hungarian language calls this "pihentagyú," which translates to "relaxed brain" or "well-rested encephalon." It describes people who are able to quickly come with clever ideas. They're usually out-of-the-box thinkers.

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The word "pihentagyú" tin can likewise have a negative meaning when information technology describes a person who thinks they're so interesting that they never tire of their own jokes or comments. While these people are normally quite smart, "pihentagyú" conveys the idea that anyone inside earshot is pretty bellyaching.

Anjir (Indonesian)

Ane of the near common words used to express emotion in the Indonesian linguistic communication is "anjir." The word doesn't have one specific pregnant, but people utilise it to express many emotions associated with stupor or surprise. "Anjir" is often used as a swear word.

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"Anjir" could exist translated into English as "Damn!" or "That's shocking!" Information technology tin likewise be used to express extreme displeasure or anger, only, if you lot run into someone who's attractive information technology's fine to say, "Anjir cakep!" ("Cakep" means "proficient-looking" or "beautiful.") "Anjir" can also mean "dog," then if an unfriendly canine is chasing you lot, you'll want to shout out "Anjir, anjir!"

Tonglen (Tibetan)

In the Tibetan language, the word "tonglen" means "giving and receiving." Just this discussion isn't referring to gifts. "Tonglen" describes receiving the emotional pain or suffering of others, taking information technology and transforming it into pity, love or joy. The discussion is oft used when discussing the practise of "tonglen" in Tibetan Buddhism.

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"Tonglen" is sometimes characterized as breath. You might "inhale" someone'south emotional sadness and and so "breathe" it in the form of beloved. During meditation, someone can practice "tonglen" by taking in a deep jiff while thinking near the pain of others, then releasing while thinking of their happiness.

Saudade (Portuguese)

The Portuguese linguistic communication has a word that describes an intense longing for someone or something that y'all have loved and lost just can never have again: "saudade." This word brings up intense emotions of melancholy every bit someone thinks back on a by relationship or beloved memento that's gone forever.

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"Saudade" has been described as the love and terrible emptiness that remain after someone has died or moved away or when a relationship has concluded. Fado is a unique style of Portuguese music that encapsulates this mournful feeling of "saudade." In Brazil, the Solar day of Saudade is recognized on January 30.

Jaksaa (Finnish)

During Finland's cold winter months it can exist hard to muster upwardly the mental or concrete energy to do anything. The Finns came upwards with the discussion "jaksaa" to describe internal fortitude. "Jaksaa" literally means "to be able to muster upwardly the strength" or "have the free energy" to do something.

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This is a discussion that people often use when times get tough. Information technology's often heard at sporting events to cheer struggling athletes over the terminate line. This interesting discussion tin also be used to encourage someone to stick out a tough or uncomfortable situation.

Ilunga (Tshiluba)

If y'all've been searching for the perfect word to describe "forgiveness" without being a sap, "ilunga" might merely be what you're looking for. It's a word used in the African language of Tshiluba to describe a willingness to forgive someone for any corruption the starting time time, tolerate the abuse a 2d fourth dimension only never to forgive or tolerate a third time.

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A survey of linguists constitute that "ilunga" was considered the most difficult give-and-take in the world to translate. Speakers who might use the word live in the eastern Democratic republic of the congo, where people also use information technology as a proper name.

Rimjhim (Hindi)

The summertime months in India bring monsoon rains that soak everything. "Rimjhim" is a colloquial word in the Hindi language used to draw constant showers or drizzle. But "rimjhim" has a deeper emotional meaning with no English equivalent.

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"Rimjhim" means to find personal joy from the constant rains. Monsoon season brings relief from Bharat'due south abiding rut. Information technology's also considered the near romantic time of the year for couples who enjoy dining indoors or walking in the rain. Indian families like playing in the rain, drinking hot chai, making paper boats and relaxing indoors while listening to the audio of raindrops.

Arbejdsglæde (Danish)

Did y'all ever have 1 of those days when you felt really skillful virtually the work you had done? The Danes describe this every bit "arbejdsglaede." This word is a combination of the two words "arbejd" (to piece of work) and "glaede" (joy). "Arbejdsglaede" as well means to be happy about heading off to work each day and enjoying your job.

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Danish culture encourages a strong work-life residue, resulting in great happiness. A CNN report found that Kingdom of denmark has the 2nd-shortest work week in the world, with the typical Danish employee working an average of 33 hours per week and making approximately $46,000 per yr.

Meraki (Greek)

"Meraki" is a Greek word that describes expressing your emotions through your piece of work or through something you've created. The give-and-take originated from the Turkish linguistic communication and ways "a labor of love" or "the essence of yourself that is put into your work."

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While "meraki" typically refers to an artistic endeavor such every bit painting, music or dance, you can employ it when discussing anything done with complete focus and passion. The word is often used to describe a lovingly prepared meal or beautifully prepare table. A person who lives life to the fullest with total passion is known as a "meraklis."

Vedriti (Slovene)

When at that place'southward a stormy 24-hour interval, Slovenians might apply the word "vedriti," which means "taking shelter from the rain and waiting for it to clear up." While "vedriti" can be used to depict running for cover when the skies open up, it's also a metaphor that means "to look for a bad mood to pass."

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In English language, "vedriti" might equate to being in a bad place emotionally. It can also suggest that someone might desire to "duck out" of a hard state of affairs or "lie low" until things clear up and appear to be more favorable.

Ya'aburnee (Standard arabic)

The Arabic discussion "ya'aburnee" translates to "you coffin me." Merely don't worry. It'south not equally morbid a give-and-take as it sounds. "Ya'aburnee" describes a feeling of love that'southward so intense you cannot think of living without the other person.

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The meaning behind "ya'aburnee" is the desire for another person to outlive you or bury you showtime. In English language we might say "How can I live without you?" This word can accept a romantic connotation but is also a common mode for mothers to express love to their children. While it may seem depressing, "ya'aburnee" is ever used in a positive manner.

Depaysement (French)

The French have a word for those times when yous're feeling out of sorts afterward leaving your homeland. The give-and-take is "depaysement." It's not quite the same equally homesickness, but rather a feeling of unease. The word's literal pregnant is "to exist uncountried."

Photograph Courtesy: Josh Hild/Unsplash

"Depaysement" is a combination of culture stupor, fear, longing and excitement all rolled into one word. This unique word is as well useful when someone's in their home country attention a foreign cultural event or eating at a eatery with foreign dishes. In such cases, "depaysement" tin can be used to express leaving familiar routines, experiences or foods.

Nauuy-Jai (Thai)

Respect is a very important part of Thai culture. If you're not getting sufficient attention from the people you care about, the word "nauuy-jai" might be the perfect description. The word roughly translates to "hurting in the spiritual heart." It can besides be used to explain how you lot feel when someone doesn't act toward you lot as they should.

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"Nauuy-jai" is typically just used when discussing those very close to y'all, such as family, spouses or friends. You could apply "nauuy-jai" to limited feeling wronged, hurt or fifty-fifty a bit embarrassed past a loved one's actions or indifference towards you.

Firgun (Hebrew)

In Hebrew, the discussion "firgun" means you lot show an intense generosity or feeling of joy when something skillful has happened to somebody else. It's all nigh being joyful for someone else'due south skilful fortune without having any ulterior motive. In English it might be described as "tooting someone else's horn."

Photograph Courtesy: Esther Ann/Unsplash

"Firgun" comes from the Yiddish "farginen." Information technology's believed to be a relatively new word, having entered the Hebrew language in the 1970s. In 2014, the nonprofit system Fabricated in JLM created "International Firgun Day," an annual celebration held on July 17 when people compliment each other's good work and deeds on social media.

Mokita (Kilivila)

When a grouping of people know an uncomfortable fact simply manage to steer articulate of it in social club to spare someone'due south feelings, that'southward "mokita." The loss of a job, the catastrophe of a human relationship or some other painful personal situation that family and friends try to avert are merely a few examples of "mokita."

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In English, a phrase that might come close to "mokita" would be "the elephant in the room." "Mokita" originates from the Kilivila linguistic communication spoken on Kiriwana, the largest of the Trobriand Islands in Papua New Republic of guinea. The Kilivila language is used past approximately 20,000 people.

Hiraeth (Cymraeg)

The yearning to get back to a place from long ago that is now so different that revisiting it will cause grief is known in the Welsh language of Cymraeg equally "hiraeth." The word translates to "missing domicile." A similar concept in English is the saying, "you can never go abode once again."

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"Hiraeth" can also hateful longing to spend time in an ancestral home that you've never visited. Some Welsh speakers apply information technology to describe the beauty of the countryside or the way it was described in former stories. You can also say "Mae hiraeth arna amdanot ti," roughly translating to "I accept homesickness for you" or "I miss yous."

Duende (Spanish)

"Duende" describes that intense feeling of emotion that comes over someone while experiencing something creative, such as art or music. The give-and-take originally referred to a mischievous imp or spirit pop in Spanish folklore, known as the "dueno de casa," (owner of the firm) that could suddenly take over a person's body and create joy.

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"Duende" is an indescribable feeling that brings immense elation or excitement. Information technology's ofttimes used when discussing a passionate flamenco dance, either referring to the performer or the audition. Spanish poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca described "duende" every bit "a power, not a work."

Litost (Czech)

"Litost" is 1 of the saddest words in the Czech language. Information technology describes a feeling of extreme depression when someone casually reminds you of what has gone wrong in your life. The literal meaning of "litost" is "regret."

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But "litost" goes fifty-fifty deeper than just expressing remorse about missed opportunities. It takes the emotion of humiliation and intertwines it with cruelty, as someone rubs salt into an emotional wound past discussing what you've lost in your life only adds how their life is and so much amend than yours. "Litost" tin can also lead to a feeling of wishing revenge on a tormentor.

Erklärungsnot (German)

If you lot ever had to come up with a fast alibi during a sticky state of affairs, the word "erklärungsnot" might but apply. It means "explanation emergency" or "explanation poverty." "Erklärungsnot" is often used to depict anyone whose excuse seems ever-and so-slightly sketchy.

Photograph Courtesy: Ben White/Unsplash

Germans utilise this give-and-take to refer to a feeling of distrust whenever they come across a lying politico, adulterous spouse, chronically tardily coworker or pupil who forgot to do homework. "Erklärungsnot" tin also exist used in less-critical situations, such as getting caught cheating on your diet or coming upwards with a crazy alibi while planning a surprise party.

Voorpret (Dutch)

That feeling of excitement prior to a fun issue is what the Dutch fondly refer to every bit "voorpret." Translated into English, "voorpret" means "pleasurable anticipation." It'southward the emotion yous encounter when looking forward to a special event. "Voorpret" can really describe anything enjoyable that you'll be experiencing in the future.

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1 might say "Ik heb voorpret," which basically translates to "I have positive expectations." The Dutch may exist on to something. 5 scientific studies that explored the concept of "voorpret" revealed that people oftentimes benefit more from the pb-up to an event than from reminiscing about information technology.

Sa Jiao (Chinese)

Translated from Chinese, "sa jiao" means "to act similar a spoiled child." The phrase now has a much unlike meaning and refers to a grown woman who pouts, whines or stomps her feet. "Sa jiao" too includes requests for help when help isn't really needed.

Photo Courtesy: Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

While this behavior might be considered inappropriate, "sa jiao" is sometimes thought to be a very feminine trait in traditional Chinese culture. This traditional gender stereotype is nonetheless sometimes seen as being an attractive quality. Women who don't play the game of "sa jiao" may non exist considered as feminine every bit their pouty counterparts.

Goya (Urdu)

The Urdu word "goya" sums up the pause of atheism. It's when, just for a brief moment in time, fantasy all of a sudden seems to become reality. This untranslatable word is usually used to describe the emotion we experience when nosotros are swept abroad past a swell book or picture show.

Photo Courtesy: Colton Sturgeon/Unsplash

"Goya" is believed to have been originally derived from Persian and has at present made its way into several other languages. The closest literal English translation would be "every bit if" or "perhaps." Seventeenth-century Persian poet Bhai Nand Lal wrote "Diwan-e-Goya" under the pen name Goya to describe his intense spiritual experiences.

Mamihlapinatapai (Yaghan)

An intimate await between ii people who take deep feelings for one another but are too shy to limited themselves can exist described as "mamihlapinatapai." It'due south a expect of unspoken understanding between a couple, with the hope that one will footstep up and openly share their feelings.

Photograph Courtesy: frank mckenna/Unsplash

This unusual word is found in the linguistic communication spoken by the Yaghan people, who live in the Due south American region of Tierra del Fuego. While "mamihlapinatapai" is considered one of the nigh challenging words for linguists to properly interpret, the Guinness Book of World Records has listed the give-and-take every bit the "virtually succinct."

Iktsuarpok (Inuit)

Do y'all know the feeling of anticipating someone'due south inflow? The Inuit language knows this emotion as "iktsuarpok." It's that intense excitement or restlessness that makes yous repeatedly open and shut the door or look out the window every few minutes every bit you eagerly wait for someone to show upwards.

Photo Courtesy: Anthony Tran/Unsplash

The discussion seems to describe a hard emotion for the Inuit, who live in the chilly regions of Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Russia. Translated into English language, iktsuarpok" literally means one who "goes exterior often to check if someone is coming." Several songs have been written to pay tribute to this frustrating feeling.

Tartle (Scottish)

Information technology's happened to united states all: that uncomfortable moment when you forget someone's name. The Scottish have the word "tartle" to describe this bad-mannered situation. The word translates as "to hesitate when recognizing a person or affair." Saying the word "tartle" helps avoid embarrassment for all involved.

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Fortunately, the Scots treat this small-scale gaffe as something that happens to all of us rather than an insult. If a name is forgotten, it'south perfectly acceptable to say, "Pardon my tartle!" And if y'all have a hard fourth dimension coming up with a item word, you tin can even say, "Sorry, I tartled for a moment!"


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